Parts Service Support:

Dana Engineers Int. Ltd., Product Support Department offers the complete range of genuine Waukesha spare-parts and kits from G.E. at competitive prices. Through investment in equipment, technology and people, we strive to keep our customer's equipment running in low operational and life cycle cost.

Our highly trained engineers, specialized workshop along with specially designed services offer comprehensive solutions to our customers. With direct access to the G.E. Network, latest technical information, product updates, and G.E.s expertise, we have all that it takes to deliver effective and exemplary service.

To make it even easier to do business with us, we are now allowing you to order Waukesha and Jenbacher parts over Email. You can also enquire and order parts over the phone, fax or by going to our Service Stations. Some of our highlighted features are:

Service & Support:

Service Division in Dana Engineers Int. Ltd. is noteworthy for the exemplary services it provides to its patrons. Skilled engineers and service personnel work relentlessly round the clock to provide support to the wide range of Waukesha machineries, engines and equipment all across the country.

We also have topnotch technical expertise for specialized functions like: Commissioning, Preventive Maintenance, Trouble Shooting of Gas and Oil Engines, and Providing Machine support service. All this and many more only to give you premier customer services.




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